Care, Use and Inspection of Chain Slings
If you are an owner and/or user of Chain Slings, it is imperative that you are aware of the requirements under AS3775 for the care, use and inspection of those chain slings.
To purchase a copy of these standards, visit the Standards Australia website by clicking here
The standards (among other things) highlight the requirements for:
- Inspection of Chain Slings
- Competency of Users
- Storage and Handling of Chain Slings
- Planning
- Correct Use of Chain Slings, including clarification on approved configurations
LiftQuip Australia has a document which summarises some key points in the areas of Care, Use and Inspection of Chain Slings . All lifts and the use of lifting equipment should be done by a competent person who should be familiar with the relevant standards. In the case of Chain Slings, refer to AS3775.2 for further guidance and if in doubt, contact a representative from LiftQuip Australia
LiftQuip Australia – Care, Use and Inspection of Chain Slings